What an amazing weekend it has been! With so many new additions to our store, it’s no wonder some of you might be feeling overwhelmed with your wish lists. But fear not, as the discounts are still going strong for today.
Among the plethora of products, there’s one standout that has captured our hearts this weekend—a special collection curated in collaboration with Em from The Nifty Pixel. I must confess, I’ve long been an admirer of Em’s work, and working together on this project has been a true delight. Together, we’ve created something truly special, and I’ve gleaned invaluable lessons from her impeccable organizational skills. (Seriously, I’m taking notes for when I “grow up,” haha!)
I invite you to explore this exquisite collection and marvel at the stunning examples our teams have prepared with it. Let yourself bloom with these carefully crafted designs, each one a testament to the creative synergy between The Nifty Pixel and Sweet Doll Designs.
Check out the collection and some wonderful examples that our teams have prepared with it.

This weekend is all about celebration, so join in the games we’ll be hosting at SSD and get ready because the prizes are incredible.
Enjoy the and create lots of memorable scrapbooking moments.